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Phase  One

Levan James


Mo/We: 9:30am-10:45am

Eng 111


Stage one, vocabulary building

  1. Vernacular:

    a.) To be well rounded, intellectual

    b.) slang, jargon

    c.) (of language) native or indigenous

2.) sticklers:

    a.) hard-headed, strict

    b.) people with a low tolerance for change from their standards

    c.) a person who insists on something unyieldingly

3.) rampant:

    a.) very vulgar, blunt, explicit

    b.) very common, often misused

    c.) in full sway, prevailing or unchecked

4.) evolve:

    a.) to upgrade, to improve, to become more sophisticated

    b.) to improve

    c.) to develop  gradually


5.) static:

    a.) staying constant, not subject to change

    b.) staying the same

    c.) pertaining to or characterized by a fixed or stationary condition.

6.) fixation:

    a.) very deep focus on a given subject or topic

    b.) elevated level of attention paid to a given manner

    c.) a preoccupation with one subject, issue; obsession

7.) eloquence:

    a.) having good grammar

    b.) proper manner of using grammar in the workplace

    c.) the practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness

8.) discrimination:

    a.) prejudice towards a certain group of people based on looks, ethnicity, or religion

    b.) negative stereotyping towards a subject or person

    c.) an act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.

9.) zero tolerance approach:

    a.) having no tolerance whatsoever for a certain action

    b.) not accepting any grammatical issues whatsoever

    c.) the way of not allowing any mistakes in grammar, spelling, etc.


10.) extenuating circumstances:

    a.) very extreme factors in a scenario

    b.) extreme factors in a situation; death, car accident, etc.

    c.) . a circumstance that renders conduct less serious and thereby serves to reduce the damages to be awarded or the punishment to be imposed.

11.) credibility:

    a.) to be of valid source of information

    b.) form of strengthening one’s self during any form of presentation

    c.) the quality of being believable or worthy of trust

12.)  aesthetic:

    a.) very hipster-like state of mind

    b.) form of standardized writing and reading

    c.) relating to the philosophy of aesthetics




Levan James



Phase Two


  • Based on the level of education needed to enter my field, what assumptions should I make about the communication skills I will need in order to qualify for entry into my professional career?

Quite honestly, the field that I want to go into is so easily accessible that proper communication is not essentially needed. However, knowledge of terminology is critical.

  • What types of communication skills will I need in that profession?

Being able to accurately describe trends and occurrences in the stock market is very important and highly valued for success in the market.

  • What sort of reading will I do? (I.e., what sorts of things will I need to read frequently and proficiently?)

In the financial industry, reading SEC filings and earnings reports are read on a day-to-day basis. Also, disclaimers and research reports are read frequently.

  • What communication media and specialized equipment will I need to use?

Monitors, computers, Televisions, Cell Phones, radios, telephones, trading platforms, and market software is very essential in the stock market.

  • What types of hardware or software will I need to know well?

Again, at least one computer and an active stockbroker with easily available software is always needed.

  • What type of writing will I be required to do?

In the market, copious notes, extraction of important indicators, and disclaimer dissection is required.

  • Who will read the things I write?

Potential investors and learning students will read the things I write.

  • Will I need good grammar and editing skills? Why?

Yes, good grammar and editing skills are required because a small mistake in the market can turn into a devastating loss in mere moments.

  • What speaking and listening skills will I need?

I will need to be able to extract small parts of a news report and be able to adjust my risk tolerance level to the given news.

  • *What are some of the professional journals I will be reading and why will I need to read them?

Stock promotion newsletters and the shareholder reports of companies will be read. Also, Seeking alpha, forbes, and Business weekly will be read.

  • Vocabulary from the source: Record any words you are not familiar with and define them in your notes.



Levan James



Part 3


    In the 21st century, we live in a time where resources have been made more easily accessible through advances in technology. Today, we can access the dictionary through the use of libraries, by going online, and by asking others about a word or phrase. At Thomas Nelson, resources to improve my communication skills can be found at the library, in the classrooms of my teachers, and amongst the many different students at the college. Since many different people come to Thomas Nelson from different locations, Thomas Nelson is essentially a melting pot of diversified knowledge. Even just by attending classes, teachers demonstrate proper communication skills throughout the courses.


    At Thomas Nelson, the student library houses a variety of different electronics that have been modified to accommodate the needs of the students. There, one can find laptops, computers, e-material that range from textbooks to audio media, and handheld tablets for viewing textbook materials.

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